Monday, 21 December 2015

Online Identity Management – Tips To Stop Identity Theft

Online identity management is  critical to your business. The way you shred paperwork so that no one can steal  your personal information, never leave a "virtual" trail behind when it comes to your online identity.

Online identity management is the system of tracking an entity's actions and tracking the opinions on those particular actions. Despite the fact that internet is an effective marketing tool for businesses, it's also notorious for passing on rumors and scandal.

Someone pretending to be you could spoil your reputation pretty quickly. For that reason it's crucial to stay on top of what people are speaking about you online and if  people are impersonating you on the internet.

It's very unfortunate that cyber crimes are becoming frequent. Asides from spoiling your reputation such crimes could ruin your company financially.

You can stop identity theft before it happens by registering web site domains with your name and your company name. You can register company accounts (using both your name and company name) on social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Notwithstanding that you never use these accounts, you take your name/company name off the market so thieves can't swipe your identity.

Then you can move on and set up Google and Yahoo profiles under your name/company. By having "official" profiles on search engines, you make it easier  for your clients/customers to find you. Ensure to include your picture. If a fake account is created by somebody else, your clients/customers will know you're the real deal when they search for you and find your picture!

To cut it short you cannot do without online identity management!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015


Through the convenience of technology and social networking, any person in a position to review your position for the purposes of hiring, volunteering or other public interface can find out a great deal about you and your past. The time of depending on the technological inability of some people has long passed everyone can check out details online and if they don’t they can get someone who can help them. If you're prone to spilling your life's stories online, this can spell problem. What is your online status saying about you right now? 

Here are some steps for Online Image Evaluation
1. Search for your name 

  • What is coming back right now?
  • Are you happy with it?
  • What features of it do you think could be improvising?
  • What aspects do you consider are currently problematic?

 2. Changes are important for a good rank and respect

In many cases, this may be as simple as deleting a profile picture which is not suitable or messages from specific websites and waiting out the time for the web search engines to stop reacting (in some instances, you can apply to have removal of search results speed up). In other situations, you may need to seek professional help to get bad returns from continuing.

3. Seek legal advice if your Online Image Evaluation score is not repairable

There is a point at which self-help is not useful and you may need legal help and advice to make substantial changes. Mostly when working with search engines that don't make it easy to contact them.